It looks like Sony is finally addressing one of the shortcomings of the new PlayStation Store website. Launched last October ahead of the release of PlayStation 5, the site removed all traces of pre-PlayStation 4 content as well as features like the wishlist. While we still can’t view screenshots of games, browse DLC, or filter
Author: ShawnS
Nostos delisted on PC and PS4, shutting down June 16th
NetEase Games announced on Steam on March 16th that their cross-platform PC-and-VR multiplayer survival game, Nostos, had been removed from sale and would permanently shut down on June 16th. The game has also been delisted on PlayStation 4. Thank you for your continued support and love to Nostos! Due to changes in business development, the
Devotion available again, direct from RedCandle Games
RedCandle Games announced earlier this morning on Twitter that they’ve launched their own “e-shop” to sell Devotion, Detention, and “our future projects” as DRM-free PC downloads. So far the shop offers both games bundled with their soundtracks or as individual purchases. This direct-to-consumer option looks to be RedCandle’s response to who announced a release
Sony removing Communities feature from PlayStation 4 in April
Sony sent out an email over the weekend to announce that the Communities feature on PlayStation 4 will be removed from the console beginning in April. Communities have been with the console since 2015 and have been the equivalent of Facebook groups, subreddits, or Discord servers for those looking to commune with friends and like-minded
System Siege leaving Steam soon [UPDATE: It’s Gone]
[UPDATE 03/14/21] System Siege was delisted yesterday on the 13th. I’ve added a page on the site for it. System Siege looked to be a hopeful successor to the Advance Wars style of turn-based combat in 2018, but after a few years in the Early Access cycle 56 Game Studios has announced that it will
Fire at Rust’s datacenter makes a good reminder about the frailty of online games
Maybe I’m not seeing the right headlines but until this week I can’t remember hearing about a datacenter complex catching fire or suffering losses from any other type of disaster. Surely there are some server centers that have been wiped out during floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters but the focus in those situations is