NetEase Games announced on Steam on March 16th that their cross-platform PC-and-VR multiplayer survival game, Nostos, had been removed from sale and would permanently shut down on June 16th. The game has also been delisted on PlayStation 4.
Thank you for your continued support and love to Nostos! Due to changes in business development, the operation of Nostos will be terminated at 22:00, June 16, 2021 (PST). The followings are notice regarding the relevant matters of ceasing operation:
1. At 22:00, March 16, 2021 (PST): The purchase and download of Nostos across platforms will be closed, and players will no longer be able to purchase and download the game.
2. At 22:00, June 16, 2021 (PST): The operation of Nostos will be officially terminated and all game servers will be shut down. From then on, this game will no longer be able to log in.
3. Players who purchased the game of Nostos after 16:00, November 30, 2020 (PST), will receive a full refund.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the termination of Nostos’ operation and ask for your understanding that we share your feelings about the upcoming parting of Nostos. Finally, once again we’d like to thank you for your continued support of Nostos and hope you can support other outstanding NetEase products!
Nostos Development Team
Judging by reviews, comments, and videos, the promise of a Breath of the Wild adventure, in VR, on an MMO scale apparently never panned out. The PC versions lacked updates and didn’t seem especially stable while the PlayStation 4 release looked more like an alpha test than anything approaching a full game. Both versions reportedly had very few active players at any time. Unfortunately, it’s not too surprising to see this announcement. I’ve added the June 16th date to the Watch List calendar and will have a page up on the site soon. Thanks to an anonymous reader for submitting this one.