Gazillion reportedly shut down, Marvel Heroes offline as soon as November 24th

Massively Overpowered, who has closely followed the drama surrounding Marvel Heroes, has reported by way of an anonymous source that Gazillion Entertainment has disbanded, laid off nearly all staff, and will be shutting down the game November 24th instead of December 31st. The source also shared parts of a termination letter delivered to Gazillion staff

Marvel Heroes shutting down December 31st, already removed on PlayStation 4

In a statement given to Kotaku on November 15th, Disney/Marvel announced that they had terminated their relationship with developer Gazillion Entertainment and that all Marvel Heroes games would be shut down. Later in the day the official Marvel Heroes homepage was updated with the following farewell message and further details: “We’re sad to inform our

November Update

It’s only been a few days since I last added something to the site but it may be a bit longer before I get back to my semi-active pace. We recently moved and everyday life is in disarray as boxes are rifled through and new spaces are arranged. We finally found the kitchen so there’s

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