Interplay Selling Off IPs and Games

At one time Interplay was a leading developer and publisher of PC and console video games on par with Electronic Arts and Activision. But after nearly going bankrupt, being acquired by Titus Software, settling a handful of lawsuits and launching a troubled Kickstarter the controlling parties have decided to sell off Interplay’s assets and IPs.

Renegade Kid shuttered, IP split between new studios

Renegade Kid, one of the oldest indie studios I can personally think of, have announced that they’re shutting down the business after nearly ten years in the industry. Fortunately, this wasn’t due to any irreconcilable differences and co-founders Jools Watsham and Gregg Hargrove’s friendship and respect are still intact. So why the split? In an

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Download Codes Drying Up

Over on the delisted subreddit (unaffiliated, but still an awesome /r), user Goldentatertots confirmed on July 16th that Best Buy’s download codes for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game were still valid for the PlayStation 3 title. Just a few days later, however, another user replied that they were unable to purchase the code