Search Results for: the amazing spider-man
The final Xbox 360 price reduction update underwhelms, but hey, there’s hoodies [UPDATE]
[UPDATE 07/24/24] Thanks to everyone in the comments for pointing out some last minute additions and freebies that I forgot they gave away years ago! Have the links again anyways [UPDATE 07/18/24] Although they promised no more updates they did come back to yank one more game from the list: BLACK is no longer on
There’s a new search engine on the site!
Back when the site was crashing non-stop I moved the search engine to its own page to help with the performance. I wanted to use that dedicated page to redesign the search and make it a little easier to use and it’s finally ready! The search link at the top of the site now redirects
Grab (or play) these Nintendo titles before they’re delisted on March 31st
Nintendo giveth, and Nintendo taketh away… sometimes on the same day. Throughout 2020 Nintendo announced new releases in celebration of the Super Mario Bros. and Fire Emblem franchises while at the same time confirming they would be delisted months down the line. Well, the end of that line is in sight so here’s a friendly
New page on the site organizes all the developers and publishers behind Delisted Games
I don’t know if anyone has ever noticed, but among the options in the search bar at the top of the site was a dropdown of all the developers and publishers on the site. I noticed a week or so ago that the dropdown has a hard limit and it wasn’t showing every company because