There’s a new search engine on the site!

There’s a new search engine on the site!

Back when the site was crashing non-stop I moved the search engine to its own page to help with the performance. I wanted to use that dedicated page to redesign the search and make it a little easier to use and it’s finally ready! The search link at the top of the site now redirects to the new page that looks a bit like this:

As you can see above, it looks quite different from the old search and finally shows many more results per page, and you don’t have to scroll up and down to find the checkboxes. You can also use the ‘static search’ button to pop open a new tab to bookmark any specific combo of filters you might want to keep handy. I’m also happy to say it works much better on mobile devices (although there you do have to scroll back up to adjust the options).

I hope it proves useful for you, let me know what you think!