Wall Ball

Wall Ball

Digital Release:Nintendo Wii U
February 16, 2017 (AU, EU, US)
Delisting:March 15, 2017
Available On:None
Links:Nintendo.com page [Archive]
Release announcement


After our original post went up, developer RCMADIAX confirmed that Wall Ball was delisted on March 15th, 2017 and even explained the circumstances behind its removal:

“The title was taken down on March 15th 2017. The person I licensed the code from went behind my back and contacted Nintendo claiming I ‘stole’ the code without their permission – despite me having proof otherwise. It wasn’t worth the legal costs to pursue a lawsuit.”


Wall Ball was also scheduled to appear on the Nintendo Switch but was never released.

About the Game

WALL BALL is a suspenseful zigzag endless runner game with simple, yet appealing 3D graphics. The levels are randomly generated and promise a long lasting gaming experience.

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Thanks to an anonymous reader for submitting this game to the site