IE Institute Titles

IE Institute Titles

Digital Releases2009 - 2014 (JP)
DelistingJune 30, 2021 (JP)
DeveloperIE Institute
PublisherIE Institute
Available OnRetail (See Below)
Nintendo DS
Nintendo 3DS
LinksIE Institute homepage
List of IE Institute releases [Archive]


Thirty-three digital releases from publisher IE Institute were delisted from the Nintendo 3DS eShop in Japan on June 30th, 2021. A message was delivered to 3DS owners in Japan to inform them of these delistings but it appears it was not sent until after the titles were already gone. None of IE Institute’s titles for Nintendo platforms were released outside of Japan.

With their last software release in 2014, it seems likely that IE Institute is no longer an active Nintendo publisher and may have ceased business operations entirely. The last recorded change to the company’s homepage was in 2017. Between November of 2018 and Spring of 2020 the site was revised to a single page with basic company information.

Unfortunately, all but seven of the thirty-three titles were digital exclusives meaning they are considered extinct. The rest remain available on physical media for Nintendo DS and 3DS alongside many other retail-only releases from IE Institute. The table below contains the delisted titles with their Japanese and Google translated English titles as well as an archive link to their respective pages.

Nintendo 3DS Retail & DigitalTitle (Google Translate)Archive Link
ESSEらくらく家計簿ESSE Easy Housekeeping BookArchive
キッパーのえいご教室 Floppy's Phonics vol.1 キッパー編Kipper's Eigo Classroom Floppy's Phonics vol.1 Kipper EditionArchive
キッパーのえいご教室 Floppy's Phonics vol.2 ビフ編Kipper's Eigo Classroom Floppy's Phonics vol.2 Biff EditionArchive
キッパーのえいご教室 Floppy's Phonics vol.3 チップ編Kipper's Eigo Classroom Floppy's Phonics vol.3 Chip EditionArchive
空間さがしもの系脳力開発 3D脳トレーニングSpace search system Brain power development 3D brain trainingArchive
TOEIC®テスト超速トレーニングTOEIC® test super fast trainingArchive
ポヨポヨ観察日記Poyopoyo Observation DiaryArchive
Nintendo 3DS (Digital Exclusive)Title (Google Translate)
シカクいアタマをマルくする。 ジュニア こくご・さんすう・しゃかい・りか・せいかつ
Makes a delicate head round. Junior Kokugo / Sansu / Shakai / Rika / Seikatsu
シカクいアタマをマルくする。 マスター 国語・算数・社会・理科
Makes a delicate head round. Master Japanese / Arithmetic / Social / Science
シカクいアタマをマルくする。 エキスパート 漢字・計算・図形Makes a delicate head round. Expert Kanji / Calculation / FiguresArchive
DSiWare on 3DS (Digital Exclusive)Title (Google Translate)
あなたの級をチェック!漢検ミニテストCheck your grade! Kanji Kentei Mini TestArchive
アニョハセヨ!韓国語ワードパズルAnyohaseyo! Korean word puzzleArchive
大人の世界史パズルAdult world history puzzleArchive
大人の日本史パズルAdult Japanese history puzzleArchive
大人のための計算トレーニングDSComputational training DS for adultsArchive
大人のための練熟漢字Kanji for adultsArchive
書き取り歴史小学生Writing history elementary school studentsArchive
今日は何の日?百科~百科事典マイペディアより~What day is it today? Encyclopedia-From My Pedia Encyclopedia-Archive
計算100連打Calculation 100 consecutive hitsArchive
高校英熟語基本200語マスターHigh school English idiom basic 200 words masterArchive
高校英単語基本400語マスターHigh school English basic 400 words masterArchive
公民クイズ小学生Citizen's quiz elementary school studentArchive
地理クイズ小学生Geography quiz elementary school studentArchive
シカクいアタマをマルくする。日めくりカレンダーDSMakes a delicate head round. Daily calendar DSArchive
熟語クイズIdioms quizArchive
すくすくネイティブ英語日記カレンダーSukusuku Native English Diary CalendarArchive
速練計算しょうがく1ねんせいQuick calculation calculation 1 NenseiArchive
速練計算小学2年生Speed training for second-year elementary school studentsArchive
速練計算小学3年生Speed training for three-year elementary school studentsArchive
速練計算小学4年生Speed training for 4th grade primary school studentsArchive
速練計算小学5年生Speed training for 5th grade elementary school studentsArchive
速練計算小学6年生Speed training for 6-year primary school studentsArchive
練熟漢字中学生Middle school students who are proficient in Chinese charactersArchive

About the Publisher

From IE Institute homepage: An unparalleled number of software titles for Nintendo DS — 72 for educational software alone! We are the No.1 publishing company in Nintendo DS platform in the World. Many titles have sold more than 1,000,000 copies!!

From Established in 1999, IE Institute is a developer and publisher of education and learning software. Based in Tokyo, Japan, the company earliest products include the “Square and Circle” series of PC titles, covering subjects as diverse as Maths, Languages, Science and Social studies. In addition to PC, IE Institute has released titles for Apple iOS, Wii, DS, 3DS and also video-only DVD titles.

The playlist below contains various commercials and videos from several IE Institute releases found on their official YouTube channel which was last updated in 2013.

Thanks to BowzasaurusRex for submitting the info to the site