Another warning about Xbox 360 Marketplace content as we prepare for Round Two of discounts

Another warning about Xbox 360 Marketplace content as we prepare for Round Two of discounts

As we are on the eve of Microsoft’s next promised round of Xbox 360 discounts I thought this video by Randomised Gaming could serve as yet another warning if you’re out there trying to scoop up games and content. Their latest on the topic centers around Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show which is one of the titles recently reduced in price to just $3.99.

Riven picked up the discounted title but has since found that the all-inclusive Season Pass resulted in yet another broken download. The episodes are available in individual packs but the Season Pass should’ve provided a simple solution to buy them all. Now Riven is stuck in an unhelpful back-and-forth with Microsoft Support waiting on a tenuous replacement or refund as the shutdown of the entire Xbox 360 Marketplace draws ever closer. 

Thanks to Randomised Gaming Riven for contacting us about the situation. As they’ve reported before, the Marketplace is a minefield of broken downloads, missing content, and timeout errors. Unfortunately it’s only going to get worse as we get closer to the July 29th deadline so once again: get in there and buy what you can as soon as possible, but also be aware that some DLC purchases might just be a money pit.