America’s Army

America’s Army

Digital ReleasePC
July 04, 2002 (NA)
November 06, 2003 - As America's Army: Special Forces [ver. 2.0]
October 13, 2005 - [ver. 2.5]
DelistingNovember 2018
DeveloperU.S. Army
PublisherU.S. Army
Available OnNone (See Below)
LinksAmerica's Army homepage [Archive]


Although it was not mandatory in the early years, America’s Army eventually came to require a account in order to play the game. In January of 2018 it was announced that would be shut down by November of the same year, making America’s Army and it’s 2.x updates unplayable. However, since at least 2010 the series’ dedicated community has offered ASSIST, a client and servers to continue playing older versions of the game.

About the Game

The America’s Army game, which is rated T for Teen by the ESRB and recommended for recruits 13 years old and above consists of two interlaced games. The first is Operations, an action-packed first-person 3D game where you enter into “virtual service” to the United States. As part of the Army, you are bound by the laws of land warfare, Army values and realistic rules of engagement as you go through teamwork-based multiplayer networked squad versus squad operations. Mission accomplishment and a high ranking in the game are a function of team effort. Teamwork and responsibility are key, and those players that violate the rules will find themselves in a virtual jail cell at Fort Leavenworth. Values, which reflect the U.S. Army’s values including loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage, are integral to your success.

Based upon standard Army force-on-force training practices, you will always perceive you are in the U.S. Army. Your comrades always appear to be in U.S. uniforms while the opposing force always appears to be in opposing force uniforms with appropriate weapons. You can even recover and employ opposing force weapons during battle.