Memories of Mars already delisted, servers shut down June 25th

Memories of Mars already delisted, servers shut down June 25th

We missed the announcement before the game was delisted last week on May 24th, but for those who own Memories of Mars [Archive] there are only a few weeks to continue playing the game before its online servers shut down. 505 Games posted the following announcement to their support page:

We’ve been on an incredible journey since we launched back in early 2020, thanks to you, our incredible community. However, after 4 years, we have taken the difficult decision to sunset Memories of Mars, closing down online multiplayer servers on June 25th, 2024. In addition, Memories of Mars will no longer be available for purchase on all platforms, effective immediately. 

For some of you, this news may not be a huge surprise, but we also understand for those still playing, this won’t be the update you wanted to hear. We want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for your support over the years. It means more than you know! 

Take care, 
The Memories of Mars team 

505 Games Support page – May 24th, 2024 

The game’s PlayStation and Xbox store pages received a shorter message before also being delisted last week. Thanks to Needles078 for pointing out the news, we’ve added the date to the Watch List calendar and will have a page up on the site later.