Another look at the Xbox 360’s soon-to-be-lost exclusives

Another look at the Xbox 360’s soon-to-be-lost exclusives

Randomised Gaming Riven is back with another look at the Xbox 360 Marketplace as we are now just two weeks away from the announced closure of the service. The 70-minute video opens with another round of updates detailing issues and sticking points from Riven and his community before spending around a minute each on nearly 50 titles that are exclusive to the Xbox 360 and set to be lost after July 29th.

As mentioned, we are just two weeks away from the Xbox 360 Marketplace closure and Microsoft has another round of price reductions scheduled to go live on Tuesday the 16th. Hopefully this final round of discounts goes a little smoother than the last which took well over a week to go into full effect. We’ll be back this coming week to update on those as it happens.