From Humble Bundle support: EA and Humble will continue to seek opportunities to bring EA games to Humble players through various programs. Due to changes in third-party promotions, Electronic Arts (EA) titles are no longer available on the Humble Store as of March 4, 2022. You have until March 18, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. PDT to redeem any EA or Origin keys before they become invalid. (Please note this only affects Humble Store purchases and does not impact EA games purchased as part of a bundle or Humble Choice.)
Note: This information was detailed in an email to all affected purchases without revealed keys.
If your Humble account and Origin account are linked, we will automatically attempt to redeem your keys on the linked account on March 17 at 3 p.m. PDT (limitations may apply). You can check your account linking status in your Settings.
However, we highly suggest redeeming your keys manually before March 18th, as we cannot provide any key replacements or refunds after this date has passed, even if our auto-redeem attempt is unsuccessful for your purchase. It is worth noting that EA and Origin products generally fall within our Special Refund Policy, with refunds not typically being available outside of extraordinary circumstances.
You can find a few more links and details on Humble Bundle’s support page. Thanks to everyone who pointed out the news, I’ve added the date to the Watch List calendar.